CHOR BOOGIE Paints the Berlin Wall @ Stroke Art Fair!

The Light Galleries acclaimed artist, Internationally renown muralist Chor Boogie was selected to paint a section of the Berlin Wall for the Stroke art fair this month!

This section of wall was crane lifted in to the entrance of the art fair, creating quite a buzz amongst attendees and the media. Chor was featured on the news and in the papers, and approached by a gentleman interested in buying the wall for $700,00 us dollars!

the $700,000 Berlin Wall

It was a historic event, 20 years after the fall of the BErlin wall, and a rare opportunity for art fans to witness history in the making. In his signature Free-form style, Chor Boogie painted tirelessly for hours in order to create this striking masterpiece for the world to enjoy

CHOR BOOGIE “Berlin Wall mural @ Stroke Art Fair”    pic courtesy LA Artmachine

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